We maintain some 65 acres of public open space, including the Festival Gardens, Pool Walk, Remembrance Gardens, and the 'closed' churchyards at St Michael's and St Chad's churches. Included within these areas are three listed buildings: the Friary clock tower, the Borrowcop Gazebo, and Chancellor Law's mausoleum.
Two of the open space areas are scheduled ancient monuments: these being the Friary remains site and Prince Rupert's Mound.
We look after some 6,250 metres of footpaths, including the lighting on these paths (these are footpath links through estates, not the pavements at the side of the road). We are responsible for several bus shelters in the City (but not those in the bus station) and for various public seats.
We also cut the highway verges in the City on behalf of Staffordshire County Council.
It is possible to hire some City Council owned land for events, the most popular of which is Minster Pool Walk. If you are interested in hiring land owned by the City Council, please contact our Open Spaces Officer.
All these areas are supervised by our Open Spaces Officer, Nigel Boden.