

Lichfield Markets

The historic Market Square has been the home for Lichfield markets since King Stephen granted the first market charter in 1153.

General Markets take place on a Tuesday, Friday and Saturday and are organised and managed by the City Council. The Markets offer a wide range of goods, from fruit and vegetables to greetings cards, cakes and brownies to leather goods and plants. In a time when several local markets have decreased in size or disappeared altogether, Lichfield City Council is committed to providing residents and visitors with a thriving market to enjoy, and we take this opportunity to thank our wonderful traders for their patronage and for all they do to make the Market so popular.

In addition to the City Council Markets, the city centre location of the Market Square makes it very attractive to partner organisations who wish to host their own events.  We are proud to host a very popular Producers' Market held on the Square on the first Sunday of the month (except January).  This market offers a range of local artisan produce and has gained a strong reputation for tasty, good value food as well as high quality gifts and treats. The Producers' Market is operated by CJ's Events.

The Vegan Market is held on the Square on selected Sundays throughout the year, offering products from fledgling companies in an effort to support their sustainable brands, the Vegan Market has proven to be a very popular addition to the city.  The Vegan market is operated by the Vegan Markets Company

The Market Square also hosts a number of other events during the year, including the Chamber of Trade Christmas Fayre and civic events.  The Market Square also leads visitors directly to the Hub at St Mary's and all it has to offer for visitors and local residents alike.

Minster Pool Walk

The City Council also owns Minster Pool Walk and this too is available for hire. Minster Pool Walk is a walkway between Dam St and Bird St, two of the most popular shopping streets in the city. Minster Pool Walk is a destination in itself, with wonderful views of Minster Pool, the Garden of Remembrance and the spires of Lichfield Cathedral. Minster Pool Walk hosts the very popular Christmas Market that takes place on the same day as the Christmas Lights Switch on. If you are thinking of hosting an outdoor market, then please do consider this popular and picturesque location.

If you would like to be a part of our markets, or wish to hire the Square for an event of your own on non-market days, please see the 'Quick Links' section of this page for application forms and further information. Alternatively, please contact telephone 01543 250011 or email us; you will not find a more central location to promote your goods or services.

Street Trading

Lichfield District Council introduced Street Trading some years ago, requiring traders to have a licence from the District Council in certain circumstances. Street Trading does not apply to Markets that have been established by the council, including the General Markets, Producers' Market and Vegan Market, but does apply to ad hoc trading on the Square. For further information please see the Lichfield District Council website or call us on 01543 250011, we'll be pleased to guide you through the requirements and confirm whether or not you would need a licence.

History of the Market Square

The Market Square has been central to may scenes in Lichfield's history:

  • In the 1550's, during the reign of 'bloody' Queen Mary, Thomas Hayward, John Goreway and Joyce Lewis were burnt at the stake on the Square
  • In 1612, Edward Wightman was convicted of heresy and burnt at the stake on the Square - the last person in England to die in this way
  • In 1651, George Fox the Quaker famously stood barefoot on the Square and denounced the city - "Woe to the bloody city of Lichfield"
  • The Square is overlooked by the house where Dr Johnson, the writer of the first authoritative English Dictionary, was born in 1709.  The house is now the Johnson Birthplace Museum; it is free to enter and hosts an enviable collection of Johnson artefacts that attracts thousands of visitors annually. The Square contains statues of Samuel Johnson and also his biographer, James Boswell.

The Markets and Market Square are managed by the Markets Officer and have their own dedicated Facebook page    

A winter's day on Lichfield's Market Square: 

A winters day on Lichfield Market Square