Lichfield St George

Published: 24 April 2012

Lichfield Guildhall was full to capacity on Monday 23 April for the traditional St George's Day Court. The court, known as the "View of Frankpledge" has been held every year since the middle ages, when the townsfolk had to attend to pledge their fidelity to the sovereign and the lord of the manor. But the Court is now held in a very light-hearted way. A jury of citizens was empanelled to fine those who had failed to answer their summons to attend, and the Court officials reported on their past year. High Constables, Joe Powell and Andrew Lock, spoke on the City's law and order. Pinners, John Smith and Bob Awty, whose job is round up stray cattle into the pinfold, gave news of a less than eventful year. And the Ale Tasters, Nick Sedgwick and Colin Ablitt, testified to their highly demanding role sampling the quality of the ale in all the City's public houses. Real Ale was also available on the day courtesy of Burton Bridge Brewery, who delivered it to the Guildhall in their 1930's Morris. The event ended with the traditional toast to "the immortal memory of St George - patron saint of England" Lichfield Mayor, Brian Bacon, in his role as Lord of the Manor, said "it was a wonderful event and it was great to see the local tradition upheld in such style, and to mark our English patron Saint".