Published: 15 September 2008

Initimate Theatre players


?Johnson & the Boundless Chaos'

Being an entertainment about the Dictionary of the English Language 1755 by Samuel Johnson of Lichfield
Compiled by David Titley.

Almost a Dictionary in almost a sentence: A Book Containing Definitions Easy For Gaining Helpful Information, Just Knowledge; Like Most Necessary Opuses Probably Quite Readable, Simply Timeless, Under Very Wide Xamination [!], Yet Zestful.


Quotes by Johnson.


"Dictionaries are like watches; the worst is better than none, & the best cannot be expected to go quite right."
"A large work is difficult because it is large."
"?The boundless chaos of a living speech?"
"?The English Language? has itself been? neglected, suffered to spread, under the influence of chance, into wild exuberance, resigned to the tyranny of time & fashion, & exposed to the corruptions of ignorance & the caprices of innovation?" Nidget; "A coward, a dastard."
Hobit; "A small mortar to shoot little bombs."


Find out the answers to these questions:

"Why are snowy swans like Footballers?
Who got into a ?pickle' because of the Dictionary?
What was so surprising about Lichfield oat cakes?
Discover whether you are a pundle, a fub, or a vaticide.!
How much would you pay for a steak dinner in 1750?