Land At Festival Gardens - Consultation

Published: 18 March 2021


Local Government Act 1972 S.127, and the General Disposal Consent 2003.

Notice is hereby given that in respect of land currently held as public open space at Festival Gardens, the City Council proposes (subject to certain conditions being met, including being satisfied as to the merits of the proposed works) to dispose of approx. 253m2 of land adjacent to the A51 Western Bypass/Friary Junction to Staffordshire County Council to facilitate junction improvements.

Any person wishing to object to the proposed disposal must do so in writing to be received by the Town Clerk at the City Council Offices, Donegal House, Bore St, Lichfield WS13 6LU or by email to no later than 9.00am on Tuesday 6 April 2021.

A PDF version of the plan below that allows for more detailed viewing is available by emailing

Further Information

The transport assessment supporting the St John’s residential development identified a requirement for an increase in traffic capacity at the A51 Western Bypass/Friary junction. Staffordshire County Council (SCC) have requested that approximately 253m2 of land at Festival Gardens be transferred to SCC to facilitate these improvements.

The preferred option, detailed below, consists of a segregated left turn lane. The approximate land required by SCC is shaded pink; the remaining ‘hatched’ area is the associated visibility splay and can remain in City Council ownership but must be kept free from obstructive vegetation. Several trees would need to be removed to facilitate these improvements, notably within the ‘hatched’ area; initial discussions with SCC confirm replacement specimens to be planted nearby will be funded if the scheme progresses. A plan highlighting which trees are likely to require removal is available by email to

The City Council is consulting with residents and requesting further discussions with SCC as to the appropriateness of this proposal and its evidence base prior to making any firm commitment on the matter. All comments received in response to this consultation will be considered by the Council at its meeting of 19 April 2021, at which time the Council’s decision is scheduled to be formalised.