Shrovetide Pancake Races 21 February 2023 - Entry Forms
Published: 17 January 2023
Lichfield’s exciting Pancake Races are set to take place on Tuesday 21 February along Bore St. Spectators can expect to see all the usual races including Men’s, Women’s, Mascots and under 10’s. Participants will be on their marks as usual in Bore Street from 12 noon.
The races will be followed by the traditional opening of the Shrovetide Fair on the Market Square by the Civic party, supported by Town Crier Adrian Holmes who will give a shout to mark the occasion.
All entrants must pre-register anytime up to 12 Noon on Friday 17 February.
No registrations will be accepted after that time.
For the children's race the minimum age is six and the maximum age is 10.
If you wish to register, please complete the appropriate form below and return to: Pancake Race Entries, Harriet Chatwin, Civic Officer, Lichfield City Council, Donegal House, Bore St, Lichfield WS13 6LU or email the completed form to
Adult Race Entry Form
Children's Race Entry Form